


2. 当ホテルが、法令及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。
  • 1. 当ホテルに宿泊契約の申込みをしようとする者は、旅館業法第6条、同法施行規則第4条の2及び当ホテルの所在する都道府県の定める条例に基づき、次の事項を当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。
    • (1)宿泊者名
    • (2)宿泊日及び到着予定時刻
    • (3)お客様の連絡先
    • (4)その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
  • 2. 前項に基づき当ホテルに申出のあった内容に変更を生じたときは、変更後の内容を速やかに当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。
  • 3. 宿泊客が、宿泊中に第1項第2号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当ホテルは、その申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申し込みがあったものとして処理します。
  • 1. 宿泊契約は、当ホテルが前条の申し込みを承諾したときに成立するものとします。
  • 2. 前項により宿泊契約が成立したときは、当該宿泊契約にかかる全宿泊期間分の宿泊料金を宿泊開始前又は当ホテルが指定する日までにお支払いいただきます。
  • 3. 次の各号に定める事由が生じたときは、当ホテルは、当該お客様にかかる申込みを、実際には宿泊する意思がないにもかかわらず申込みがなされたものとして取扱うことができるものとし、宿泊契約はその効力を失うものとします。
    • (1)前項の宿泊料金を同項の定めにより宿泊開始前または当ホテルが指定した日までにお支払いいただけないとき。
    • (2)前条1項に基づき申出のあった連絡先への連絡を試みても、最初の連絡をした日から起算して10日以内(但し、宿泊日当日までの日数がこれに満たない場合は、宿泊日当日の15時まで)に連絡がとれないとき。
    • (3)当ホテルからの連絡を拒否されたとき。
    • (4)前項(2)及び(3)に該当する場合、受領済みの宿泊料金の返還は致しかねます。
  • 1. 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。
    • (1)宿泊の申し込みが、この約款によらないとき
    • (2)満室により客室の提供ができないとき
    • (3)災害その他の緊急事態の発生等により、被災者及び災害復旧担当者等のため優先的に客室を提供すべきことが現実に予定されるなど、前号に準ずる事由のあるとき
    • (4)宿泊しようとする方が、暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律及び暴力団排除に関する都道府県条例に定める暴力団もしくは暴力団関係団体その他反社会的勢力の構成員又はその関係者であるとき
    • (5)宿泊しようとする方が、宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序もしくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき
    • (6)宿泊しようとする方が、伝染性の疾病にかかっている者であると明らかに認められるとき
    • (7)宿泊に関し社会通念上相当な範囲を超えるサービスその他の負担を求められたとき
    • (8)天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき
    • (9)宿泊しようとする方が泥酔者等で、他のお客様に迷惑を及ぼし、もしくは当ホテルの運営を阻害するおそれがあるとき、又は他のお客様もしくは当ホテルの従業員に対し、迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき
    • (10)宿泊しようとする方について、心身の不調が明らかに認められる状態であるとき
    • (11)保護者の許可のない未成年者のみが宿泊するとき
    • (12)宿泊する権利を他に譲渡する目的で、宿泊の申込みをしたとき
    • (13)実際には宿泊する意思がないにもかかわらず、宿泊の申込みをしたとき
    • (14)その他、各種法令又は都道府県条例等の規定する宿泊を拒むことができる場合に該当するとき
  • 1. 宿泊客は、当ホテルに申し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
  • 2. お客様が前項により宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合、別表第2に掲げるところにより、違約金をお支払いいただきます。
  • 3. お客様が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の到着予定時刻になっても到着しないときは、当ホテルは、その宿泊契約はお客様により解除されたものとして処理することができるものとします。
  • 1. 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合においては、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。
    • (1)お客様が、暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律及び暴力団排除に関する都道府県条例に定める暴力団もしくは暴力団関係団体その他反社会的勢力の構成員又はその関係者であるとき。
    • (2)お客様が、当ホテル内で、暴行、脅迫、恐喝、不当な要求、賭博行為、法令で許可されていない薬物、銃砲、刀剣類及びこれらの類似品の所持もしくは使用、他の利用客に迷惑を及ぼす行為、その他法令もしくは公序良俗に反する行為をし、又はこれらの行為をするおそれがあるとき。
    • (3)お客様が伝染性の疾病にかかっている者であると明らかに認められるとき。
    • (4)宿泊に関し合理的な範囲を超えるサービスその他の負担を求められたとき。
    • (5)天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
    • (6)客室での寝タバコ、消防用設備等に対するいたずら等、火災予防・防火に支障を及ぼす行為をしたとき。
    • (7)宿泊する権利を譲渡し、又は譲渡しようとしたとき。
    • (8)この約款又は当ホテルの利用規則に違反したとき。
    • (9)その他、各種法令又は都道府県条例等の規定する宿泊を拒むことができる場合に該当するとき。
  • 2. 前項に基づく解除の通知は、口頭又は第2条に基づき申し出のあったお客様の連絡先への電話、電子メール又は書面により行うものとし、当該通知が、第2条に基づき申出のあった連絡先に通知をしても到達しない場合には、第3条3項の規定を適用するほか、通常到達すべき期間を経過した時点をもって到達したものとみなして取扱うことができるものとします。
  • 3. 当ホテルが前二項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、第1項(3)及び(5)の場合を除き、宿泊料金の返還はいたしかねます。
  • 1. お客様は、旅館業法第6条、同法施行規則第4条の2及び当ホテルの所在する都道府県の定める条例に基づき、宿泊日当日、当ホテルのフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。
    • (1)宿泊客の氏名、年令、性別、住所及び職業
    • (2)外国人にあっては、国籍、旅券番号、入国地及び入国年月日
    • (3)出発日及び出発予定時刻
    • (4)前泊地および行先他
    • (5)その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
  • 1. お客様が当ホテルの客室を使用できる時間は、当ホテルが定めるチェックイン時刻からチェックアウト時刻までとします。ただし、連続して宿泊する場合においては、到着日および出発日を除き、終日使用することができます。
  • 2. 当ホテルは、前項の定めにかかわらず、同項に定める時間以外の客室の使用に応じることがあります。この場合には当ホテルが定める追加料金を申し受けます。但し、出発予定日の13時を越える場合は、1泊分の宿泊料金を申し受けるものとし、到着日の13時前からの使用についても同様とします。
  • 3. 当ホテルが定めるアーリーチェックインおよびレイトチェックアウトの追加料金は下記の通りです。




  • 4. 前二項に基づきお客様が客室を使用できる時間内であっても、当ホテルは、安全及び衛生管理その他当ホテルの運営管理上の必要があるときは、客室に立入り、必要な措置をとることができるものとします。
  • 1. 当ホテル内の各種施設等の営業時間は、館内備付パンフレット、各所の掲示、客室内のインフォメーションツール等でご案内いたします。
  • 2. 前項の施設等の営業時間は、必要やむを得ない場合には臨時に変更することがあります。その場合には、適宜お知らせします。
  • 1. 宿泊者が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳は、別表第1に掲げるところによります。
  • 2. 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、お客様の到着の際、又は当ホテルや当ホテルが契約する旅行代理店が請求したとき、日本円、当ホテルが認めたクレジットカ-ド又は当ホテルが承認する決済手段を用いる方法により、フロント又は当ホテルが指定する場所において行っていただきます。
  • 3. 当ホテルが宿泊客に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊客が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。
  • 1. 当ホテルは、宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の履行に当たり、又はそれらの不履行により宿泊客に損害を与えたときは、当ホテルに故意又は重過失のある場合を除き、15万円を限度としてその損害を賠償します。
  • 2. 当ホテルは、お客様の前項の損害に対処するため、旅館賠償責任保険に加入しておりますが、保険契約上の免責事由に該当するときは、お客様の被った損害が填補されない場合があります。
  • 1. 当ホテルは、お客様に契約した客室を提供できないときは、可能な限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設をあっ旋するものとします。
  • 2. 当ホテルは、前項に基づく他の宿泊施設のあっ旋に努めたものの、あっ旋ができなかったときは、宿泊契約を解除することができるものとします。この場合における解除の通知については、第6条2項の規定を準用するものとします。
  • 1. 宿泊客がフロントにお預けになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品について、滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが、不可抗力である場合を除き、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、お客様からあらかじめ種類及び価額の明告のなかったものについては、 当ホテルに故意又は重過失のある場合を除き、15万円を限度としてその損害を賠償します。
  • 2. 宿泊客が、当ホテル内にお持込みになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品であってフロントにお預けにならなかったものについて、当ホテルの故意又は過失により滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。
  • ただし、宿泊客からあらかじめ種類及び価額の明告のなかったものについては、当ホテルに故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、10万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
  • 1. 宿泊客の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当ホテルに到着した場合は、その到着前に当ホテルに連絡があり、これを了解したときに限って責任をもって保管するものとします。
  • 2. 宿泊客がチェックアウトしたのち、宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品が当ホテルに置き忘れられていた場合において、当ホテルは、原則として発見日を含めて7日間保管し、その間にお客様から返還の申出がなされなかった場合には、これを最寄りの警察署へ届けるものとします。
  • 3. 当ホテルは、置き忘れられた手荷物又は携帯品について、内容物の性質に従い適切な処理を行うため、その中身を任意に点検し、必要に応じ、遺失者への返還又は前項に従った処理を行うことができるものとし、宿泊者がこれに異議を述べることはできないものとします。
  • 4. 第1項及び第2項の場合におけるお客様の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当ホテルの責任は、当ホテルに故意又は重過失のある場合を除き、3万円を限度としてその損害を賠償します。
  • 1. お客様が2泊以上連続して同一の客室に宿泊される場合、当該客室の清掃は、原則として毎日行わせていただきます。
  • 2. お客様から清掃は不要である旨のお申出を受けた場合であっても、法令及び都道府県条例等の趣旨に鑑み、少なくとも3日経過ごとに1回、客室の清掃を行わせていただくものとします。
  • 3. 前項の客室清掃について、お客様は、これを拒否できないものとします。

備考 基本宿泊料は店舗内、パンフレット及びホームページ等に掲示する料金表によります。

不泊 100%
当日 100%
前日 80%
7日 50%
14日 30%

14名まで 100% 100% 80% 50% 30%
15名以上 100% 100% 80% 50% 30%

1. %は、基本宿泊料に対する違約金の比率です。なお、提携する他事業者が定めるキャンセルポリシーにしたがって計算した金額が上記によって計算した違約金の額を上回る場合、その金額を違約金として収受します。
2. 契約日数が短縮された場合は、その短縮日数にかかわらず、短縮により宿泊しないこととなった最初の日の分についてのみ、違約金を収受します。
3. 宿泊人数の一部について契約の解除があった場合、契約を解除された人数分の宿泊料金を基に算出した額の違約金を収受します。
4. 団体客(15名以上)のご利用の際は、事前にホテルにご相談ください。




  • 1.貴重品は、客室に備え付けの客室金庫にて保管してください。
  • 2.ご到着後直ちに客室入口ドアの裏側に掲示してある避難経路図及び各階の非常口をご確認ください。
  • 3.客室から出られる際は、施錠をご確認ください。ご在室中や特にご就寝の際は、内鍵とドアチェーンをおかけください。またご在室中に訪問者がお越しの場合はドアスコープでご確認されるか、ドアチェーンをかけたままドアを半開きにしてご確認ください。
  • 4.契約人数を超えての客室利用は、原則禁止致します。
  • 5. 当ホテル内での次に定める行為は固く禁止しております。
    • (1)暖房用、炊事用の火器及び当ホテルの貸出品以外のプレス用のアイロンその他の電化製品の使用
    • (2)ベッド、その他の火災が発生しやすい場所及び当ホテル所定の場所以外での喫煙
    • (3)他のお客様に迷惑を及ぼし、もしくは当ホテルの運営を阻害する恐れがあるとき、又は他のお客様もしくは当ホテルの従業員に対し、迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき
    • (4)異臭放散その他第三者に嫌悪感や迷惑を及ぼしたりする行為
    • (5)次に定める物品の持ち込み
      • (イ)動物等その他ペット類一般
      • (ロ)覚醒剤、麻薬類等、法令により所持を禁止されている薬品類
      • (ハ)発火又は引火しやすい火薬や揮発油類及び身体に害を及ぼす危険性のある薬品
      • (ニ)許可証のない銃砲、刀剣類及びこれらの類似品
      • (ホ)著しく多量もしくは重量のある物品
      • (ヘ)悪臭を発するもの
      • (ト)ごみ及び客室の衛生を妨げる物品
      • (チ)当ホテル内での使用を目的とした電化製品及び調理器具等の物品
      • (リ)その他当ホテルが客室への持込みを禁止することとした物品
    • (6)公序良俗に反する行為
    • (7)他のお客様にチラシ、ビラその他の広告物を配布する行為
    • (8)館内の諸設備及び諸物品の移動、加工、持ち出し、及び本来の用途以外の目的での使 用
    • (9)客室以外の場所での所持品の放置
    • (10)客用以外の施設への立ち入り
    • (11)当ホテルが許可する施設以外から飲食物等の出前を取ること
    • (12)ユニットバス内での染毛・漂白剤等の使用
    • (13)客室内でお香などを焚く行為
    • (14)とばくまたは風紀を乱すような行為
    • (15)眠薬その他の薬物の使用により、他のお客様あるいはホテルに迷惑をかける行為
    • (16)買い物代、切符代、タクシー代、郵便切手代、荷物送料等の立替え
    • (17)ホテル内で撮影した写真等を営業上の目的で公に利用する行為
    • (18)パジャマ、スリッパでの客室外への外出
    • (19)営利を目的とした活動
    • (20)その他当ホテル内での安全及び衛生の妨げとなる全ての行為
  • 6.客室内での次に定める行為は固く禁止しております。
    • (1)宿泊を目的としない利用
    • (2)外来者との客室での面会
    • (3)客室の窓に写真、ポスターを貼付し、その他ホテルの外観を損なう物品を掲示すること
  • 7.客室ルームキーを紛失した場合は、鍵交換工事に要する費用の全額を申し受けます。
  • 8.館内の諸設備・備品の汚損、破損、紛失については、実費を申し受けます。



Article 1. Scope of application
  • 1. These Terms of Use regulate matters concerning the hotel room rental agreement and related agreements that the Hotel concludes with its guests. Matters not stipulated in these Terms of Use are governed by laws and regulations and/or established common practice.
  • 2. In cases where the Hotel has within the scope consistent with laws, regulations, and common practice agreed to special provisions, such special provisions prevail irrespective of the stipulations of the previous Paragraph.
Article 2. Application to enter into a hotel room rental agreement
  • 1. A party seeking to enter into a hotel room rental agreement with the Hotel must provide the Hotel with the following information pursuant to Article 6 of the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law, Clause 2 of Article 4 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Hotel and Ryokan Management Law, as well as laws and regulations established by the Prefecture that the Hotel is located in.
    • (1) Name of Guest(s)
    • (2) Room rental date/s and prospective time of arrival
    • (3) Guest contact information
    • (4) Other information required by the Hotel
  • 2. If a Guest makes an application during the hotel room rental period for the continuation of the room rental period beyond the room rental date(s) pursuant to Item (2) of the previous Paragraph, the application will be handled by the Hotel as being for a new hotel room rental agreement being made at that point in time.
Article 3. Conclusion of hotel room rental agreements
  • 1. A hotel room rental agreement is concluded when the Hotel has approved an application pursuant to the previous Article.
  • 2. When a hotel room rental agreement has been concluded in accordance with the previous Paragraph, payment for the accommodation charge for the entire hotel room rental period as per the hotel room rental agreement will be due prior to the commencement of the rental period, or by the day designated by the Hotel.
  • 3. When a reason described in any of the following Paragraphs has occurred, regardless of if there is the actual intent to stay at the Hotel, the Hotel will handle applications related to the Guest as complete, and the hotel room rental agreement will become null and void.
    • (1) When payment of the accommodation charge in the previous Paragraph has not been made prior to commencement of accommodation or by the day designated by the Hotel, as per the stipulations of the same Paragraph.
    • (2) When an attempt to contact the Guests has been made via the contact information enter in the application, as per Paragraph 1 of the previous Article, and the Hotel has been unable to make contact for 10 days from the initial contact attempt (However, in the case that the period of time until the day of accommodation is less than 10 days, this term will be until 15:00 on the day that accommodation begins).
    • (3) When an attempt at contact from the Hotel has been rejected.
    • (4) In cases corresponding to the previous Paragraphs (2) or (3), received accommodation charges cannot be returned.
Article 4. Refusal of agreement
The Hotel reserves the right to not enter into a hotel room rental agreement in any of the following cases
  • (1) If the hotel room rental application is in non-conformance with these Terms of Use.
  • (2) If all hotel rooms are occupied and thus none are available.
  • (3) If circumstances apply similar to the previous Item, including compelling prospects that hotel rooms will have to be let on a preferential basis to disaster victims and recovery crews, etc., due to the outbreak of natural disaster or some other state of emergency.
  • (4) If an applicant for a hotel room rental agreement or a party seeking to use a rented hotel room is a member, or related to a member, of a criminal organization, a body related to a criminal organization, or other organized crime group stipulated in the Act on the Prevention of Unlawful Acts by Crime Syndicate Operatives and the prefectural ordinances concerning the elimination of crime syndicates.
  • (5) If the party seeking to rent a hotel room is reasonably likely in connection with use of the hotel room to act in violation of the stipulations of laws and regulations, public order, or good morals.
  • (6) If the party seeking to rent a hotel room has been clearly identified as a contagious disease carrier.
  • (7) If in connection with the usage of a hotel room the Hotel is required to provide services beyond the generally accepted scope or to incur other such burden.
  • (8) If a hotel room cannot be provided due to natural disaster, facility breakdown, or some other compelling reason.
  • (9) If the party seeking to rent a hotel room is intoxicated and disorderly and as a result causes annoyance to other Guests or is likely to interfere with the operations of the Hotel or engages in speech and action that cause annoyance to other guests or personnel of the Hotel.
  • (10) If the party seeking to rent a hotel room is a minor unaccompanied by a legally recognized and/or licensed guardian.
  • (11) If the application for a hotel room rental agreement is made for the purpose of transferring the right of use to another party.
  • (12) In other cases to which the stipulations of prefectural ordinances and other provisions apply.
Article 5. Right of the Guest to terminate agreement
  • 1. A Guest has the right to terminate the hotel room rental agreement by giving notice to the Hotel.
  • 2. When a Guest terminates a hotel room rental agreement in part or in total, the Hotel will charge the Guest a penalty in accordance with Schedule 2.
  • 3. If the Guest, without giving prior notice, fails to appear at the Hotel by the scheduled time of arrival on the rental room date, the Hotel is permitted to treat the hotel room rental agreement as terminated by the Guest.
Article 6. Right of the Hotel to terminate agreement
  • 1. In any of the following cases, the Hotel reserves the right to terminate the hotel room rental agreement.
    • (1) If a guest is a member, or related to a member, of a criminal organization, a body related to a criminal organization, or other organized crime group as stipulated in the Act on the Prevention of Unlawful Acts by Crime Syndicate Operatives and the prefectural ordinances concerning the elimination of crime syndicates.
    • (2) If a Guest engages on the premises of the Hotel in violence, threats, intimidation, undue demands, gambling, possession or use of controlled substances, firearms, swords, and/or similar articles, or commits an act causing annoyance to other Hotel guests, or other act in contravention to laws and regulations or public order and morals, or if it is likely that a Guest will engage in any of the foregoing.
    • (3) If a Guest is clearly identified as a contagious disease carrier.
    • (4) If in connection with the use of the hotel room the Hotel is required to provide services beyond the generally accepted scope or to incur such other burden.
    • (5) If a hotel room cannot be provided due to natural disaster, facility breakdown, or some other compelling reason.
    • (6) If an act is committed in violation of disaster prevention and fire prevention concerns, such as smoking in bed or tampering with fire-prevention or fire-fighting equipment, etc.
    • (7) If the usage rights of the hotel room have been transferred or an attempt has been made for their transfer to another party.
    • (8) If an act is committed in violation of the Hotel Room Rules of Use.
    • (9) In other instances to which the stipulations of prefectural ordinances, etc., apply.
  • 2. Except in the cases of Paragraphs 3 and 5 above, the hotel room charges are not refundable if a hotel room rental agreement is terminated by the Hotel on the grounds of the stipulations of the foregoing Paragraphs.
Article 7. Registration of Hotel Guests
Hotel Guests are required to register on the room rental date the following information at the Hotel reception.
  • (1) Name, age, sex, address, and occupation of the Guest
  • (2) In the case of foreign Guests, nationality, passport number, port of entry, and date of entry
  • (3) Departure date and prospective departure time
  • (4) Previous night's accommodation and location
  • (5) Other information required by the Hotel
Article 8. Hours of hotel room use
  • 1. Guests are permitted to use hotel rooms of the Hotel from the check-in time until the check-out time, with each being set by the Hotel. However, if Guests stay for several continuous days, hotel rooms are permitted to be used around the clock except for the days of arrival and departure.
  • 2. Irrespective of the provisions of the previous Paragraph, the Hotel reserves the right to permit the use of hotel rooms during hours other than those prescribed. In such a case, an additional charge will be levied of the amount stated in the Hotel regulations. The entire hotel room charge for one day will be charged if Guests stay past 13:00 on the scheduled departure day, with the same also applying to usage of the hotel room on the arrival date before 13:00.
  • 3. Additional charges resulting from early check-in or late check-out are as follows:
    Late Check-out: The Hotel allows Guests to use the hotel rooms up until 13:00 if the Guests pay an additional charge. This charge amounts to 30% of the standard room charge.
    Early Check-in: The Hotel allows Guests to use the hotel rooms after 13:00 if the Guests pay an additional charge. This charge amounts to 30% of the standard room charge.
  • 4. While Guests are permitted to use hotel rooms during the hours set in the previous two Paragraphs, the Hotel reserves the right to access hotel rooms for purposes of safety and sanitation management and to conduct necessary measures.
Article 9. Observance of the Hotel Room Rules of Use
Guests must on the premises of the Hotel observe the Hotel Room Rules of Use.
Article 10. Operation hours
  • 1. Information regarding the operation hours of the various facilities of the Hotel can be obtained from informational booklets furnished in the hotel rooms and notice boards placed in various locations.
  • 2. The operation hours mentioned in the previous Paragraph are subject to temporary change when necessary or unavoidable. Changes will be advised an appropriate amount of time beforehand.
Article 11. Payment of charges
  • 1. A breakdown of the hotel room charges, etc., that must be paid by the Guest is stated in Schedule
  • 2. Hotel room charges, etc., pursuant to the previous Paragraph are payable upon the arrival of the Guest, or when requested by the Hotel or travel agency that is contracted with the Hotel, in Japanese yen, a credit card, or other means of settlement accepted by the Hotel, done so at reception or at another location specified by the Hotel.
  • 3. In cases where the Guest has elected at their own discretion not to stay at the hotel room despite it being provided by the Hotel and made available for the Guest’s use, the accommodation charge will still be levied.
Article 12. Liability of the Hotel
  • 1. In the event that a Guest has sustained damages due to failure of the Hotel to execute the hotel room rental agreement or agreement related thereto or due to an unlawful act expect provided otherwise in these Terms of Use, the Hotel will provided compensation of up to ¥150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand yen).
  • 2. While the Hotel does subscribe to hotel general liability insurance for the purpose of covering damages mentioned in the previous Paragraph sustained by Guests, in instances that fall under exceptive provisions of the insurance policy, there are cases where damages sustained by Guests are not compensated.
Article 13. Handling of cases when a hotel room cannot be provided
  • 1. If the Hotel is unable to provide a Guest with hotel room as contracted, the Hotel will, to the extent possible, by way of intermediation arrange for a different hotel facility on identical terms.
  • 2. The provisions of the previous Paragraph notwithstanding, if the Hotel is unable by way of intermediation to arrange for a different hotel facility, the hotel room rental agreement will become null and void. Additionally, if the inability to provide a hotel room is the result of a reason for which responsibility lies with the Hotel, the Hotel will pay a compensation amount equivalent to the penalty for contract breach. However, no compensation will be paid if the inability to provide the hotel room is not attributable to the responsibility of the Hotel.
Article 14. Handling of deposited articles, etc.
  • 1. The Hotel will provide compensation for the loss or damage, except if due to force majeure, of objects, valuables, or cash deposited by Guests at the reception of the Hotel. However, for articles for which the kind and value were not clearly stated beforehand by the concerned Guest, the compensation amount is limited to a maximum of ¥150,000, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
  • 2. If occurring due to reasons attributable to the responsibility of the Hotel, the Hotel will provide compensation for the loss or damage of articles, valuables, or cash brought onto the premises of the Hotel that were not deposited with the Hotel‘s reception. However, for articles for which the kind and value were not clearly stated beforehand by the concerned Guest, the compensation amount is limited to a maximum of ¥100,000, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
Article 15. Storage of Guests' hand luggage and personal effects
  • 1. The Hotel will provide storage for luggage for Guests arriving in advance only if the Hotel was contacted beforehand and has agreed to provide such storage.
  • 2. If hand luggage or a personal belonging is left behind at the Hotel by a Guest after check-out, as a rule such items will be held in storage at the Hotel for a period of seven days after the item has been found. However, valuable items will be immediately taken to the nearest police station. Furthermore, all food, beverages, and magazines not claimed by the day of check-out will be disposed of at the discretion of the Hotel.
  • 3. For the purposes of appropriately handling forgotten hand luggage or personal effects consistent with the nature of said item, the Hotel is permitted to at its discretion inspect the item contents, and, as necessity night require, may return the item to the owner or conduct the processing in accordance with the previous Paragraph, to which the hotel Guest may not voice any objection.
  • 4. For hand luggage or personal effects of Guests held in storage in cases referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2, the liability of the Hotel is limited to a maximum compensation amount of ¥30,000, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
Article 16. Liability of Guests
Guests who cause damage to the Hotel due to willful misconduct or gross negligence are liable to compensate the Hotel for such damage.
Article 17. Cleaning of hotel rooms
  • 1. As a general rule, hotel rooms occupied by a Guest for two or more consecutive nights will be cleaned each day.
  • 2. Guests who hold that such cleaning is unnecessary shall nonetheless comply with such cleaning at a minimum of once every three days in consideration of the intents and purposes of laws and regulations, prefectural ordinances, etc. However, the Hotel reserves the right to clean hotel rooms at all times it has been found necessary to do so.
  • 3. Guests are not permitted to refuse room cleaning pursuant to the previous Paragraph.

Schedule 1 - Method of calculation of hotel room charges (related to Article 11)
(1) Hotel room charge: Basic hotel room charge (Room charge, or room charge in addition to meal & beverage charges such as for those for breakfast)
(2) Additional charges (except for those included in (1))
(3) Accommodation tax

1. Hotel room charges are as shown in the price list displayed in businesses and brochures, and posted on the Hotel website.
2. The prescribed number of occupants per hotel room is permitted to be exceeded only in the case of occupants who are pre-school student age or younger. This is excepting, however, that the Hotel still reserves the right to restrict the number of occupants depending on the size, etc., of the hotel room.
(1) Guests who are of elementary school student-age and older incur 100% of the single-room charge per person.
(2) Guests who are of pre-school age incur no charge.

Schedule 2 - Penalties (related to Article 5)
1. Penalty for cases of 1 - 14 individual Guests:
Cancellation due to no-show: 100%
Cancellation received day-of: 100%
Cancellation notice received previous day: 80%
Cancellation notice received one week prior: 50%
Cancellation notice received two weeks prior: 30%
2. Penalty for Groups of 15 or more Guests:
Cancellation due to no-show: 100%
Cancellation received day-of: 100%
Cancellation notice received previous day: 80%
Cancellation notice received one week prior: 50%
Cancellation notice received two weeks prior: 30%

1. Percentages refer to the penalty portion of the aggregate total of the basic hotel room charge and supplemental charges including charges for co-operative hotel room programs with other operators. Notably, if the amount calculated in accordance with the cancellation policy of the other co-operative operator exceeds the amount calculated based on the description given above, the higher amount will be charged as a penalty.
2. If the number of days of an agreement is reduced, a penalty will be levied only on the first day for which the stay has been shortened, irrespective of the total number of days.
3. When an agreement has been cancelled for a certain number of Guests, a penalty will be charged that is calculated based on the hotel room charge for the number of Guests for whom agreements have been cancelled.
4. For instances where the Guests are a Group (consisting of 15 members or more), please contact the Hotel in advance.


To ensure Guests' safe and comfortable usage of the facilities and to preserve the Hotel's public nature, the Hotel has established the following Rules which are integral to the Hotel Room Terms of Use. Violating of these Rules incurs, at the discretion of the Hotel, termination of the hotel room rental agreement pursuant to the stipulations of Article 6 of the Hotel Room Terms of Use.
In addition, the Hotel shall not take any responsibility whatsoever for accidents or incidents occurring as a result of a lack of cooperation on the part of the Guest; Prior understanding regarding this matter is appreciated.


  • 1. Please deposit valuables with reception. When doing so, please indicate the kind and value of the deposited item. Please note, however, that the following items cannot be deposited:
    • (a) Items whose value exceeds ¥500,000, deposits of cash, etc.
    • (b) Equipment that includes an information-recording device (PCs, mobile phones, and other IT equipment)
    • (c) Items involving personal information (customer lists, etc.)
  • 2. Upon your arrival, please promptly review the emergency exit instructions posted on the inside of the guest room door, and locate the emergency exits situated on your floor.
  • 3. When leaving your room, please make sure that your door is locked. Please be sure to utilize the inner lock and door chain whenever you are in the guest room, particular at night. Please confirm the identify of any visitors via the door peephole or by slightly opening the door without undoing the door chain.
  • 4. Occupancy of the Hotel Room by a number of occupants greater than the stipulated number is, as a rule, not permitted. If, in the absence of prior application with the Hotel, the number of occupants is found to exceed the number stipulated by the Hotel, usage charges for the number of excess occupants will be billed.
  • 5. The following acts are expressly forbidden on the premises of the Hotel.
    • (1) Use of heating or cooking implements, laundry iron presses except if provided by the Hotel, and use of other such electrical appliances.
    • (2) Smoking in beds or other locations with a high risk of fire, and smoking outside designated areas on the Hotel premises.
    • (3) Generating noise such as loud singing, dispersing offensive odors, and committing any other act that is disagreeable and/or causes annoyance to third parties.
    • (4) Bringing any of the following articles onto the premises of the Hotel:
      • (a) Ordinary pets or animals (excepting guide dogs)
      • (b) Statutory-controlled substances including stimulants and narcotics
      • (c) Combustible or inflammable explosives and volatile fuels and hazardous chemicals harmful to human health
      • (d) Firearms, swords, and other such articles in the absence of a license
      • (e) Goods in conspicuously large quantity or of a heavy weight
      • (f) Odor-emitting items
      • (g) Refuse or items detrimental to hotel room hygiene and sanitation
      • (h) Items such as electrical appliances or cooking implements that are intended for use on the premises of the Hotel
      • (i) Other items that are not permitted by the Hotel to be brought into hotel rooms
    • (5) Acts in violation of public order and morals
    • (6) Distribution of fliers, pamphlets, and/or other advertisements to other Guests
    • (7) Altering the location or placement of equipment or articles in the Hotel, or modifying, taking outside the Hotel, or using such equipment or articles in ways other than those originally intended
    • (9) Accessing facilities not intended for Guest usage (except in emergencies or other unavoidable situations)
    • (10) Ordering delivery of food and/or beverage, etc., from establishments other than those authorized by the Hotel
    • (11) Using hair coloring or de-coloring agents, etc., in hotel room bathrooms
    • (12) Gambling or acting in a way that disturbs public morale in the Hotel
    • (13) Causing trouble or nuisance for the Hotel or other Guests via the use of sleeping pills or other pharmaceuticals or narcotics
    • (14) Making payments for another party for purchase charges, ticket charges, taxi fare, postage stamp charges, baggage postage, etc.
    • (15) Taking photos of or at the Hotel for later public use for business purposes (Doing so may result in legal measures being taken)
    • (16) Entering Hotel areas outside guest rooms, such as corridors, dressed in yukata, pajamas, or slippers
    • (17) Engaging in any other acts detrimental to safety, hygiene, or sanitation on the premises of the Hotel
  • 6. The following acts are expressly not permitted in hotel rooms.
    • (1) For-profit activities and usage other than as overnight accommodation
    • (2) Meetings with external visitors
    • (3) Posting of photographs or posters on the windows of hotel rooms or other displays disruptive of the exterior appearance of the Hotel
  • 7. The loss of room keys incurs the full cost necessary for a change of the lock
  • 8. You will be charged for any damage, breakage and loss to Hotel property caused by you or your guests.