日本語 | English
> ご予約について
- 質問:
- 予約開始時期はいつですか?
- 回答:
- Web予約サイト、お電話ともに6ヶ月前からご予約を承っております。
- 質問:
- いつまで予約できますか?
- 回答:
- 当日の19:00までご予約を承っております。
(TEL / 075-221-8800)
- 質問:
- 予約の変更、キャンセルは可能ですか?
- 回答:
- ご予約経路により、変更・キャンセルの規定が異なります。
- 質問:
- デイユースはできますか?
- 回答:
- 現在デイユースのプランはご利用いただけません。
- 質問:
- 団体予約はできますか?
- 回答:
- 3部屋以上のご予約の場合は予約ポリシーが異なりますので、直接お問い合わせください。
- 質問:
- キャンセルポリシーを教えてください。
- 回答:
- 下記の通りキャンセル料が発生します。
14日前から ・・・30%
7日前から ・・・50%
前日 ・・・80%
- 質問:
- キャンセル待ちはできますか?
- 回答:
- 申し訳ございませんが、キャンセル待ちはお受けしておりません。
> チェックイン、チェックアウトについて
- 質問:
- チェックイン・チェックアウトの時間を教えてください。
- 回答:
- チェックインは15時から、チェックアウトはまで11時となっております。
- 質問:
- アーリーチェックイン・レイトチェックアウトはできますか?
- 回答:
- アーリーチェックイン・レイトチェックアウトにつきましては、下記の追加料金を頂戴しております。
- 質問:
- 夜間チェックインはできますか?
- 回答:
- チェックインのお時間は原則として24時までとさせていただいております。
> 滞在中のご利用について
- 質問:
- Wi-Fi サービスはありますか?
- 回答:
- 全館で無線LANを完備しており、Wi-Fiでのインターネット接続が無料でご利用いただけます。
- 質問:
- 客室にテレビはありますか?
- 回答:
- アートをお楽しみ頂く為、客室にはテレビのご用意はございません。
- 質問:
- ランドリーサービスはありますか?
- 回答:
- ございません。
- 質問:
- 駐車場、駐輪場はありますか?
- 回答:
- 駐車場、駐輪場のご用意はございません。
- 質問:
- 門限はありますか?
- 回答:
- 24:00~6:00はセキュリティのため玄関を施錠いたしますが、その間はルームキーでご入館頂けますので、特に門限はございません。
- 質問:
- 遺失物の保管は行なっておりますか?
- 回答:
- お忘れ物及び遺失物は発見した日から一定期間ホテルで保管し、その後は当社規定に基づいてお取り扱いさせていただきます。
- 質問:
- ルームキーはどのようなタイプですか?
- 回答:
- カードキーになります。
- 質問:
- 荷物の事前郵送は可能ですか?
- 回答:
- ご到着までの期間、宅配物の受け取り、お荷物のお預かりが可能です。
- 質問:
- ホテルから荷物の発送をすることは可能ですか?
- 回答:
- フロントにて発払い、着払い、複数口での発送等、対応可能です。
- 質問:
- 朝食は付いていますか?
- 回答:
- 朝食をご希望の際はご予約の際に朝食付きのプランを選択してくださいませ。
- 質問:
- 食物アレルギーの対応はしていますか?
- 回答:
- 可能な限り対応させていただいております。食材のアレルギーをお持ちのお客様は、ご予約時、またはお越しの際に、あらかじめスタッフへお申し付け下さい。
- 質問:
- ルームサービスはありますか?
- 回答:
- ルームサービスは行っておりません。
- 質問:
- 水・お湯・氷 は部屋にありますか?
- 回答:
- ミネラルウォーターをお部屋の冷蔵庫内に無料でご用意しております。
- 質問:
- 客室清掃時間は何時ですか?
- 回答:
- 清掃時間は10時から15時となっております。
- 質問:
- 客室に冷蔵庫はありますか?
- 回答:
- 全室冷蔵庫を完備しております。
- 質問:
- バリアフリー対応していますか?
- 回答:
- 当ホテルはバリアフリー対応ではございません。
- 質問:
- 愛玩動物・介護犬は宿泊可能ですか?
- 回答:
- 盲導犬、介助犬、聴導犬以外は動物の種類・大きさを問わず、ペット連れでのご宿泊はご遠慮いただいております。
- 質問:
- アメニティはどのような物がありますか?
- 回答:
- 客室には、下記アメニティをご用意しております。
- 質問:
- 貸出しで利用出来るアメニティはありますか?
- 回答:
- 下記の備品、アメニティをご用意しております。ご希望の際はフロントまでお問い合わせ下さい。
- 質問:
- 宿泊者以外の客室利用はできますか?
- 回答:
- 宿泊者以外の入室はご遠慮いただいております。
ご訪問のお客様との面会につきましては、ロビーにてお願いいたします。(7:00 - 23:00)
- 質問:
- エクストラベッドを利用できますか?
- 回答:
- 当館では、エクストラベッドをご用意はございません。ご了承くださいませ。
- 質問:
- 喫煙所はありますか?
- 回答:
- 全館禁煙となっており、喫煙の際は1階にございます喫煙室をご利用ください。
> お支払いについて
- 質問:
- 精算はどのように行われますか?
- 回答:
- 宿泊料金は、現金またはクレジットカードにてチェックインの際にフロントでお支払いください。
- 質問:
- 消費税・サービス料は料金に含まれますか?
- 回答:
- 表示料金には、サービス料および消費税が含まれております。
- 質問:
- 宿泊税はかかりますか?
- 回答:
- 宿泊税は、ご予約時に表示されている宿泊代金に含まれております。
- 質問:
- 領収書の発行はできますか?
- 回答:
- チェックイン時に現地でお支払いいただいた際は、ホテルフロントにて領収書をお渡しします。
- 質問:
- レストラン代金の部屋付はできますか?
- 回答:
- 館内レストランのご利用時、ご精算につきましては直接レストランでお支払いください。
> 新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止の取り組みについて
- 質問:
- 新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止の取り組みについて
- 回答:
- 新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大を防ぐため、お客様とスタッフの安全を第一とし、以下の取り組みを行っております。お客様には、ご理解、ご協力を賜りますよう何卒よろしくお願い致します。
> About reservations
- Q:
- When does the booking period start?
- A:
- Booking period starts 6 months prior to the check in date.
- Q:
- When does the booking period end?
- A:
- Booking period ends at 19:00 of the estimated check in date. For cancellations, on the date reservations and changes in bookings please contact via email.
- Q:
- Is it possible to modify the reservation / cancel the reservation?
- A:
- Yes, please contact us directly if you made a booking through our website.
In other cases please contact accommodation service where you made the reservation.
Same day cancellation is accepted directly via phone (075-221-8800 / +81-75-221-8800) or email.
- Q:
- Do you have a day use service?
- A:
- Yes, we also provide day rooms. For rates and hours available please contact us via phone (075-221-8800 / +81-75-221-8800) or email.
- Q:
- Is it possible to make a group reservation?
- A:
- Group reservation is available, however please note that if you book more than 3 rooms at the same time, cancellation policy will change. Please inquire to info@nodehotel.com about the details.
- Q:
- What is your cancellation policy?
- A:
- We require a cancellation notice 2 days prior to your scheduled arrival date.
We charge cancellation fee if you change your reservation 14 days prior to the check in date.
The cancellation fee will be charged accordingly:
- If changes are made 14 days prior to the check in date - 30%
- if changes are made 7 days prior to the check in date - 50%
- if changes are made one day before check in date - 80%
- same day / no show up - 100%
- Q:
- Can you notify me if somebody made a cancellation and the room I wanted to book is available?
- A:
- Unfortunately, we do not provide cancellation notifications service.
Please check the availability of the rooms at our website or email / call us (075-221-8800 / +81-75-221-8800).
> About check in and check out
- Q:
- About check in and check out
- A:
- Check in time is after 3 pm. Check out is at 11 am.
- Q:
- Is early check in/late check out possible?
- A:
- Early check in is available from 1:00 pm and will cost 30% of the regular usage fee.
Please note that we can refuse in early check in depending on the availability of the room.
If you need to use your room before 1:00 pm we would need to keep your room one night prior to your arrival date so the one night fee will be charged.
Late check out is possible at 1:00 pm of the check out date and will cost 30% from the regular usage fee.
Please note that we can refuse in late check in depending on the availability of the room.
If you need to use your room after 1:00 pm of the check out day we would need to keep it for extra night so the one night fee will be charged.
- Q:
- Can I check in after the midnight?
- A:
- Standard check in time is before 24:00. If you wish to check in later please inform us beforehand. Please note that the reservation might be cancelled if you check in after 24:00 without prior notification.
> About stay
- Q:
- Do you have Wi-Fi?
- A:
- Yes, there is a free Wi-Fi in every room.
- Q:
- Is there a TV in the room?
- A:
- For a better art immersion experience, there are no TVs in the rooms. Instead we can offer you a variety of art books that you can read either in your room or at the lobby.
- Q:
- Do you have laundry facilities?
- A:
- Unfortunately there is no laundry in the hotel, but we can advise you some nearby.
- Q:
- Do you have parking?
- A:
- We do not have valet parking, but we can recommend some nearby.
Please feel free to reach out to info@nodehotel.com, call us at (075-221-8800 / +81-75-221-8800) or ask the front desk stuff.
- Q:
- Is there a time limit to enter the hotel?
- A:
- The front door gets automatically closed after 12:00 am, however you can open it using your room key.
- Q:
- Do you keep lost property?
- A:
- Yes, we keep lost property for approximately one month and then utilize them according to the rules. All food items are kept only for 24 hours.
- Q:
- What is the type of room key?
- A:
- It is a card key type. Every room has an automatic lock system, therefore please do not forget to take your room key every time you leave your room.
*please note that if you lose or break the room key, 2,500 JPY will be charged as compensation.
- Q:
- Can I have a package sent to you prior to my arrival?
- A:
- Sure. Here’s our address:
461 Toroyama-cho,
Nakagyo-ku Kyoto 6048225 Japan
(phone no.: 075-221-8800 / +81-75-221-8800)
- write your name and check in date on the delivery slip
- note that we can not accept valuables and items that require specific temperature and storage conditions
- pay your delivery in advance
- let us know the delivery details in advance
- Q:
- Is it possible to send my luggage from the hotel?
- A:
- Domestic shipping is available, please ask the front desk.
- Q:
- Do you provide breakfast?
- A:
- it depends on your reservation plan - some include breakfast, and some don’t.
If you want to include breakfast in your plan please ask the front desk staff.
- Q:
- Do you have any allergy free option?
- A:
- If you have any allergies, please let us know in advance or upon check in.
*please note that there may be a change in price due to to the replacement of some ingredients.
- Q:
- Do you have a room service?
- A:
- We do not provide room service at the moment. There is a restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, and we also would be glad to suggest you some restaurants and cafes in the area.
- Q:
- Do you have water/hot water/ice in the rooms?
- A:
- There is a bottled water (bottle per person/night) in the room’s fridge and the electric kettle to boil the water. Ice can be provided upon request for free.
- Q:
- What is the time of cleaning?
- A:
- The time of cleaning is between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
If you want us to clean your room, please let us know until 2:00 pm.
And after 3:00 we can only collect garbage, replenish amenities, and change towels.
- Q:
- Is there a fridge in the rooms?
- A:
- Yes, all rooms have a fridge.
Please note that they do not support deep freezing function so inquire at the front desk if you need to use one.
- Q:
- Is this hotel accessible to the disabled?
- A:
- Unfortunately, our hotel is not accessible to the disabled.
- Q:
- Can I bring my pet / care dog?
- A:
- Pets are not allowed except for the care dogs. Please let us know if you have a care dog accompanying you.
- Q:
- What kind of amenities do you provide?
- A:
- We provide shampoos, hair conditioners, body soaps, face and hand soaps, face towels, bath towels, toothbrush set, hair brush, cotton sticks, cotton pads, razors, hair dryers, slippers, roomwear and fabric spray.
- Q:
- Are there any amenities I can rent?
- A:
- Sure, you can rent a phone charger, iron and iron board, humidifier, bath chair, champagne bucket and sewing set.
- Q:
- Can I have guests in my room?
- A:
- Only people who made a reservation can use the room. If you have meeting planned please use 1F lobby (available till 23:00).
- Q:
- Do you provide extra beds?
- A:
- Unfortunately we don’t have extra beds at the moment.
- Q:
- Do you have smoking areas?
- A:
- All floors are completely non-smoking. Please use a designated smoking room at the 1st floor.
Please note that we may charge the penalty if you smoke in the room.
> About payment
- Q:
- How can I make a payment?
- A:
- Payment for the accomodation can be made in cash upon check in or with a credit card (prepayment or at the time of check in). We accept Visa, JCB, Master Card, American Express, Diners and Bank of China. In case if payer is different from the one who made a booking, we kindly ask you to make a prepayment and let us know.
- Q:
- Does the price include consumer’s tax and the service fee?
- A:
- All indicated prices include consumer’s tax and service fee.
- Q:
- Is there an accomodation tax?
- A:
- Yes, it’s included in the indicated price. The tax is calculated as follows:
Total accomodation fee is 20,000 JPY or less - 200 JPY.
Total accommodation fee is between 20,000 and 50,000 JPY - 500 JPY.
Total accommodation fee is above 50,000 JPY - 1000 JPY.
- Q:
- Can you issue a receipt?
- A:
- Yes, please inquire at the front desk or email us. However, please note that if you paid with a credit card through the booking service websites, the receipt will be issued by the booking channel.
- Q:
- Can I include my restaurant fee in the accommodation fee?
- A:
- As a rule, accommodation fee is paid in advance or at the time of check in. Restaurant fee is to be paid separately at the restaurant.
> Notice of business resumption and the measurements for new COVID-19
To our node community
- Q:
- Notice of business resumption and the measurements for new COVID-19 To our node community
- A:
- We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support. With the cancellation of the government's declaration of emergency, we will resume our operations from June 7. However, as we continue to navigate the global COVID-19 pandemic, we have set up extra measures, in-line with the latest hygiene and cleaning recommendations. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
■ Disinfection equipment
There are disinfection sprays in the hotel entrance, common areas, and guest rooms.
■ Regular disinfection inside the common areas and guest rooms
Any high touch points like doorknobs, elevator buttons will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
■ Protective acrylic board at the check in counter.
■ Breakfast is changed from buffet style to plate style. If you wish, we can also bring it to your room.
■ In order to avoid contact with other customers, please inform us on your check-in time in advance.
■ All check in information will be provided in the pamphlet.
■ All guests and team members will enter the property only after their temperatures have been scanned by a non contact thermometer.
■ All guests and team members will be asked to apply a hand sanitizer.
■ As a social distance measure our team members will not accompany the guests to the elevator.
■ All our team members will wear face masks and gloves.
■ All the front desk equipment as well as the office will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
We will update the countermeasures as necessary according to the government recommendations. If you feel unwell during your stay, please feel free to contact our staff.